Why Blackfeather?

I'm not sure how spiritual you are, but I am the kind of person who takes everything as a 'sign'. When I decided to sell my previous SaaS company, Eduvidd (myhealthpd.com), a crow began to visit my balcony every day for four days, for no apparent reason other than to stare curiously at me. This prompted a deep connection with my crow friend, whom I named "Russell Crowe", and a reinforcement that this new chapter was the beginning of something special.

Suddenly, Russell no longer appeared on my balcony, though shortly after, other crows began to visit. A few days later, one of them brought me a bone, who we affectionately named “MaCawley”. I learned on Reddit that this gesture likely meant I was now considered part of the clan and this was likely Russell’s bone and therefore I was being included in the final funeral.

Over my career transition, I established friendships with many crows and learned a lot about their behaviours and general nature. I discovered that crows form strong bonds in mated pairs, are as intelligent as a seven-year-old child, and are one of the most successful animal species.

McCawley and other crows watched over me every day as I created the GenAI Jumpstart course and rebooted my consultancy work.

This new company is in honour of my feathered friends who watched on supportively as I created Blackfeather Ai.